A FEARLESS HALLOWEEN The leaves are changing, and my neighbors’ Halloween decorations are already going up. I’m not sure if every neighborhood is like this, but, by the end of the month, our street is just as lit up as it is during Christmas. Personally, I’d prefer to turn out the lights and keep the candy to myself. Seeing the amount of hubbub that goes into the holiday these days really drives home how much ... CONTINUE READING
A DIFFICULT DISCUSSION As pink-clad products line store shelves this October in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, children are bound to be curious. Since they rationalize the world around them with what they already know, kids may ask silly questions like, “Is cancer contagious?” Whether you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer or...CONTINUE READING
HAYRIDES AND HEADLESS HORSEMEN In 1790, a school teacher named Ichabod Crane was riding home alone from a harvest festival in the village of Sleepy Hollow when he encountered a mysterious rider on horseback. Crane, horrified by the horseman’s missing head, turned and ran in the opposite direction. The Headless Horseman gave chase, hurling his own decapitated head at the terrified... CONTINUE READING