ROUGH BEGINNINGS The “back-to-school” marketing campaigns are hitting me particularly hard this year. It’s not that I need any more binders or mechanical pencils — they just remind me of exactly how long it’s been since I was a student, in the traditional sense. While I always make a point of being a life-long learner, the truth is that this month marks 30 years since my first day of law school. As it turns out ... CONTINUE READING
STAYING ‘COOL’ WITH YOUR CANINE With all this late-summer sunshine, it’s the perfect time to take your dog out for some fun. And while spending time basking in nature’s beauty can be a great source of fun and exercise for you and your pets, it’s important to keep a careful watch on your dog’s core temperature to prevent heat exhaustion. There are several detectable signs of heat exhaustion that you can watch for, including abnormal lethargy, vomiting, or a brightly colored blue or red tongue. Here are some tips to ... CONTINUE READING
AMERICA’S WEIRDEST AIRBNBS When Airbnb was founded a little over a decade ago, the developers hoped to provide an alternative to traditional travel accommodations. Today, with annual revenue in the billions, the service is an industry unto itself. While most people use Airbnb to “live like a local” while traveling, you can find some truly wacky lodging options if you spend some time searching the platform. Here are just a few of the many contenders for the title of ... CONTINUE READING