Many business owners do not insure their three most valuable assets.
A Prescription for Disability
When it comes to business owners and the impact a disability can have on their business, there are many issues to address. Consider the following hypothetical case.
Ensuring Continuity with the Disability Buy-Out
Some business owners overlook the hazard to their personal income should they become totally or permanently disabled during their working years.
Help Protect Your Business with Disability Income Insurance
How long would you be able to cover your personal and business expenses if your income and revenue were to stop suddenly due to a disability?
Disability; Are Your Business Interests Protected?
Most businesses are unable to financially support a disabled owner or key employee, even for a short period of time. Thus, your business strategy should include the development of a disability income plan for the benefit of yourself and your business. In doing so, you will help protect your personal and business interests for the long term.