house models next to judge gavel representing probate court


Laura Blumenstiel, Esq. Oct. 10, 2024

Probate is the legal process through which a deceased person's estate is administered. While it serves a necessary function in settling debts and distributing assets, it can also be time-consuming and expensive.

In Ohio, probate can take anywhere from several months to over a year, and costs can include court fees, attorney fees, and other administrative expenses. By understanding these implications, you can take steps to avoid the probate process altogether.

As an estate planning law firm, we frequently encounter clients who wish to secure their legacies without the lengthy and costly process of probate. Probate in Ohio can be daunting, but by implementing strategic planning, you can ensure your assets are protected and distributed according to your wishes. Our insights stem from years of experience working with clients who prioritize efficient estate transfer methods.

Key Strategies to Avoid Probate in Ohio

If you've experienced the probate process or have heard stories from friends and family, you may be wondering how to avoid it. Here are some essential strategies that will help you bypass the probate process in Ohio:

Living Trusts

Establishing a living trust is one of easiest and the most effective ways to avoid probate. A living trust involves transferring ownership of your assets into a legal structure called a trust that you manage during your lifetime. Upon your death, these assets do not go through probate but are instead distributed directly to your beneficiaries according to your specified terms. This method not only expedites the distribution process but also provides privacy, as living trusts are not part of the public record.

Joint Ownership

Holding property in joint ownership with rights of survivorship allows assets to pass directly to the surviving owner upon death, bypassing probate entirely. This strategy is commonly used for real estate and bank accounts. However, it is important to understand the implications, including potential gift tax liabilities and the possibility of losing control over the asset while both parties are alive. If part parties pass away within a short time of each other, this strategy can be ineffective.

Beneficiary Designations

Certain assets, like life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and bank accounts, allow you to name beneficiaries directly. By ensuring that these accounts have up-to-date beneficiary designations, they can transfer directly to the named individuals upon your death without going through probate. Regularly reviewing these designations is crucial to accommodate changes in your circumstances or preferences.

Transfer on Death (TOD) Designations

Ohio permits Transfer on Death (TOD) designations for real estate property. This legal mechanism allows property to be transferred to a designated beneficiary upon the owner’s death without needing probate. It is essential to execute a TOD designation properly, as any mistakes can lead to disputes or unintended distributions.

Gifting Assets During Your Lifetime

Another strategy is to gift assets to your intended beneficiaries while you are still living. This approach reduces the size of your estate and can help avoid probate. However, it is crucial to consider the tax implications of gifting, including annual gift tax exclusions and potential affectations on financial aid eligibility if applicable.

Implementing any of these strategies can significantly streamline the process of asset transfer and provide peace of mind regarding your estate planning in Ohio. Always consult with an estate planning attorney to assess which approach is best suited for your unique situation. This is not an exhaustive list of strategies.

The Ultimate Strategy: Create a Tailored Estate Plan

At the Law Offices of DuPont and Blumenstiel in Dublin, Ohio, we are committed to helping you develop an estate plan that minimizes probate and safeguards your loved ones. We understand that every family is unique, and we pride ourselves on offering personalized solutions. Whether it's utilizing trusts or special deeds our team will work closely with you to form a robust plan suited to your needs.

Our dedication to our clients extends beyond just drafting documents; we are here to provide guidance and support throughout your life. Whether you have questions about your estate plan, need to make updates, or simply wish to discuss your financial goals, we are just a phone call away at 614-389-9711.

Want to learn more about the estate planning documents you can use to avoid probate? Download our Consumer's Guide to Estate Planning in Ohio here.

About the Author: Laura Blumenstiel, Esq.

Having earned her law degree in 1997, Laura Blumenstiel has nearly three decades of legal experience. She is deeply committed to providing compassionate and effective legal services for our clients. Each day, she finds fulfillment in meeting with clients and meticulously crafting trusts and estate planning documents. Additionally, she works diligently on estate administration through probate court proceedings. She's passionate about helping individuals and families plan for the future and guiding them through the probate process during difficult times. She strives to make a genuine connection with all her clients.